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Intro to Figure Drawing

$330 Purchase required to enroll
  1. Gesture Drawing Essentials | Breaking down the line of action and recognizing key skeletal masses—head, clavicle, rib cage, and pelvis—to capture the overall energy of the pose
  2. Adding Mass to Gesture Drawings | Learn how to add mass to arms and legs on top of the gesture, using shapes to represent larger body parts and enhance the figure’s structure.
  3. Gesture and Proportion | Introduction to key proportions using the head as a measuring unit to establish the figure’s height and position on the page, alignment, enveloping to make sure the figure fits within the composition of the picture plane, becoming familiar with the 7 average proportions of figure drawing.
  4. Finishing the Drawing | Focus on accurately placing shadow shapes, solidifying form, bringing in hints of anatomical structure and capturing details to bring the figure to life on paper.
Add-on free uninstructed Life Drawing session after class, 1-4pm.